Thursday, June 24, 2010


I know that no one reads about my life, but just in case someone out there does, I will continue to blog for you! Besides, someday when Im famous people will look back to this..Lol! Anyway, I just recently filmed my first short with an actual role!! How Excitinggggggggg?!?! I am very happy I got to be a part of an amazing production and got to work with very talented guys! The short is called How To Change Your Life Without Working Too Hard. Sounds interesting, I know! I shouldnt spoil the movie, so I will only say that I play Glens(lead guy) love interest. My name is Audrey, I work in a grocery store, and Im off to med school. I definitely cant wait to see it finished. Im very proud of myself. It is another stepping stone in my life. Each role leads to another and I know there will be many more. I have always loved acting, plays, and just performing, but actually experiencing the whole film making/ on camera stuff is so exhilarating. Ahhh.. Im lovin life :D Also, my showcase has moved to July 18th. I am going to be acting. I am kind of mad because I wanted to model, as well, but since there are so many people, I could only choose one. Im still trying to sneak in and do both! I will be performing a commercial, unless I prove myself worthy of a monologue hahaa. If so, I will most likely use the monologue of Princess Bebe Helena. It is from a play written by Jacinto Benavente. I love it because it is very serious and powerfull. Side note- since Im not modeling in the showcase, I will still be taking pictures for my comp card so that I can hand them out. Im not positive on the date, but it will be soon. I am still going with the beach look. Its going to be so much fun!

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