Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fashion Show :D

Yayyyyyyayaya!!! I was in my first fashion show on May 22, 2010! I was such an amazing experience! It was the first youth charity fashion show of the Optimistic Club in Detroit. My day started at about 10 am when I got up and got things ready to leave. My sister, Marina, drove me. It was at the St. Regis Hotel in Detroit. Definitely wasnt a good car ride there. It was pouring rain and we hydroplaned on the highway. Thankfully, all the cars stopped and we were okay! So I got there about 10 to 1 pm. We all practiced on the runway for a while because the runway was set up backwards! I then got into hair and makeup. Practice makes perfect, so we were on the runway until people started to show up. I got on my first outfit and waited. I modeled 5 outfits, which was super exciting because a lot of the others only modeled 2. It was very crazy and busy backstage, but that was one of the best moments. Both of my sisters, Val and Marina, were there to support and cheer me on - theyre always there for me and I love it/them! : ) The feeling of being on the runway and having hundreds of people watching you is one of the best feelings in the world! It is just so exciting knowing that youre entertaining people. It was so amazing and I wouldnt trade for the world. After the show, all of us models exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes- Im glad I got to meet and experience that with such awesome girls! I will never forget that day and I cannot wait for my next show!

1 comment:

  1. Need to know if you are interested in being in more fashion shows, please contact Fuzzytek.
