Thursday, June 24, 2010


I know that no one reads about my life, but just in case someone out there does, I will continue to blog for you! Besides, someday when Im famous people will look back to this..Lol! Anyway, I just recently filmed my first short with an actual role!! How Excitinggggggggg?!?! I am very happy I got to be a part of an amazing production and got to work with very talented guys! The short is called How To Change Your Life Without Working Too Hard. Sounds interesting, I know! I shouldnt spoil the movie, so I will only say that I play Glens(lead guy) love interest. My name is Audrey, I work in a grocery store, and Im off to med school. I definitely cant wait to see it finished. Im very proud of myself. It is another stepping stone in my life. Each role leads to another and I know there will be many more. I have always loved acting, plays, and just performing, but actually experiencing the whole film making/ on camera stuff is so exhilarating. Ahhh.. Im lovin life :D Also, my showcase has moved to July 18th. I am going to be acting. I am kind of mad because I wanted to model, as well, but since there are so many people, I could only choose one. Im still trying to sneak in and do both! I will be performing a commercial, unless I prove myself worthy of a monologue hahaa. If so, I will most likely use the monologue of Princess Bebe Helena. It is from a play written by Jacinto Benavente. I love it because it is very serious and powerfull. Side note- since Im not modeling in the showcase, I will still be taking pictures for my comp card so that I can hand them out. Im not positive on the date, but it will be soon. I am still going with the beach look. Its going to be so much fun!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fashion Show :D

Yayyyyyyayaya!!! I was in my first fashion show on May 22, 2010! I was such an amazing experience! It was the first youth charity fashion show of the Optimistic Club in Detroit. My day started at about 10 am when I got up and got things ready to leave. My sister, Marina, drove me. It was at the St. Regis Hotel in Detroit. Definitely wasnt a good car ride there. It was pouring rain and we hydroplaned on the highway. Thankfully, all the cars stopped and we were okay! So I got there about 10 to 1 pm. We all practiced on the runway for a while because the runway was set up backwards! I then got into hair and makeup. Practice makes perfect, so we were on the runway until people started to show up. I got on my first outfit and waited. I modeled 5 outfits, which was super exciting because a lot of the others only modeled 2. It was very crazy and busy backstage, but that was one of the best moments. Both of my sisters, Val and Marina, were there to support and cheer me on - theyre always there for me and I love it/them! : ) The feeling of being on the runway and having hundreds of people watching you is one of the best feelings in the world! It is just so exciting knowing that youre entertaining people. It was so amazing and I wouldnt trade for the world. After the show, all of us models exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes- Im glad I got to meet and experience that with such awesome girls! I will never forget that day and I cannot wait for my next show!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Yayayaaa! I had my first extra/film job on May 1st! It was soo amazing and I learned a lot! I met so many new people and they rocked. I felt so right, like I was home. Acting is my lifeeee<3 I will definitely be posting my scene in the movie up, once I get it! I was a goth chick who tried to kill herself by cutting her arm with scissors and burning her hand..Ha! Also, I am going to be in a charity modeling event on the 22nd! Tomorrow night is rehearsal and I am so excited!! When I get pictures, they will most likely be posted on my facebook - -Check it ; )

Thursday, April 22, 2010


The Regulators audition went great! I am so happy I had the opportunity to audition for Justin Kady : ) Also, I was put in a casting for a commercial, so I hope that turns out well. I went to 2 concerts this week! I saw A Day To Remember on Thursday the 15th. They absolutely blew my mind. Im so in love with them!!! My favorite song was definitely My Life For Hire! Also, last night I saw The Bigger Lights, Anarbor, The Audition, and This Providence. All of the bands were so amazing.. I cant even explain how much I love This Providence! Next week Im going to a charity concert at Ike and The Hard Lessons are going to be playing. Im really excited to see them because I have never! Good life<3

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I took my headshots on Saturday! The shoot was great! I love Kevin :) Val and Manda came with me, which was fun. They made me laugh a lot! I get my pictures on Saturday, just in time for my audition! I have an audition for the film The Regulators. I believe it is a Shelby TV Production and Justin Kady will be there! I love JK<3 hahaa. im really excited for it! also, sunday i start my modeling class at jrp. i cant wait for that too! so im going to be pretty busy this weekend and its all going to be amazinggg<3 cant wait to write all about it!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


So about a week ago I went on an audition for The Wars of Other Men. It was so much fun! I dont know if I have call backs yet, but praying I get that phone call : )Also, I just signed up for the modeling class at JRP, so Im super excited about that. And the  showcase is in June. I know I am going to do acting and modeling, but I have to try to get over my nerves so that I can sing.That also means I need to make my comp card. I want the beach to be my setting! Still working stuff out with my photographer.Everything is just so excitingg!! Haha. My cousin Nik is a rapper and he has his own studio. I just recently recorded a hook for one of his songs. It was autotune, which was pretty sweet. I think Im going to do some other stuff with him soon. And my bfff Mina recorded some stuff too. We are hoping to record a song together in the summer. Im getting into writing lyrics. Its pretty complicated! I only write like a chorus or a verse and then I get stuck haha. Im trying to think of exciting things since I last blogged. I went to a New Found Glory concert and it was amazing!! I went crowd surfing for the first time. I landed on the edge of the stage!!Hmm...I also took the ACTs. That was annoying and stressful! Since the ACTs, Ive been off my game on working out. Now that its getting nice out, I can run outside! Okay, Im pretty sure theres nothing else to write about for now...k byee :p

Saturday, February 27, 2010


ItalicHeyy, of course I havent posted any new blogs since like forever ago. Hmm..whats new with me? Well, I watched new moon and it was amazing, as expected! Ive just been going to school, studying for the ACTs. As for my acting career, I am taking classes at John Robert Powers. It is a tv/ commercial workshop and is so much fun! I love everyone in the class and our teacher, Summer. It has, so far, really helped me out in how to audition and how to use emotions, your hands, and eye contact. We also did some improv, which was really fun.Tomorrow is my last class, but I am definitely going to be taking more classes there. For my class tomorrow, I have to rehearse a tv commercial, Jiffy Pop, which will be fun. I am also still sending out resumes and headshots to casting directors. I think I am going to update my headshots pretty soon. Thats really all thats new with me for now. I am going to try to post blogs more often, even if no one reads them. Haha! :o)