Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Status

I don't really know how to "blog" but I'm pretty sure I just write about what I want. Well, yesterday my sister, marina, my friend, manda, and I went to a show. We had such an amazing time with the bands. The bands that played were The Status, The Prospect, and Time and Distance. We all hung out before and after. The Status had an acoustic set outside. They played my favorite song and it was really cool. It was about 2am when we left and got Taco Bell. Even after meeting so many bands, I still think it is so cool how you get to see them perform right in front of you when you have their music on your iPods and look up to them. It's also really cool how they are actually our friends. Today I'm going to the Armada fair with my friends. Tomorrow I have registration, in the morning, for school, then I'm getting together with some of my friends and my cousins from NY and we're going to go to the mall and watch a movie. Hmm what else is going on... Well, I recently just send in about 26 Headshots and Resumes, so hopefully something will get picked up. I have about another 3 to send, so I have to get those ready. This summer has been great- the castings, the interviews, and the concerts. Everything means so much to me, even if it didn't work out, I know that I have to work real hard to get where I want to be and I'm ready for the work. Seeing the bands really made me appreciate them more because I saw how much work and effort they put into what they love to do. I'm ready for it all! :o)

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