Saturday, July 16, 2011

Photographer: Victor Ivezaj -Sneak peek candid shot
Photographer: Mioara Dragan


First I want to say how excited I am for college ( minus the whole paying for it thing). At orientation, Discover Loyola, I met some awesome people! In just two days I had such a great time. Everyone was so nice and we had so much fun together. Group 45... 45 *Hand wave* 45 ahah : ) If I had all that fun, I can't wait to actually be on campus. Here's a list of my classes :

*Psych 101 ~ MoWeFr 9:20-10:10 ~ J. Fiebig

*Thtr 100 ~ MoWeFr 10:25-11:15 ~ A. Shanahan

*Musc 107 ~ MoWe 3:30-4:45 ~ J. Davids

*Stats 103 ~ TuTh 11:30-12:45 ~ P. Collins

*Socl 245 ~ TuTh 2:30-3:45 ~ M. Agilardo

*Univ 101 ~ Fr 1:40-2:30 ~ E. Gricius

Also, I did a photo shoot with my wonderful cousin/photographer, Victor Ivezaj. We went to main street to take some cool urbany pictures. I need to post some pictures asap from my shoot with VI and my other shoot with Mioara Dragan! So excited for my career to be taking off! I love life :)