Thursday, June 16, 2011

I'm doneeeeee!

I'm done with high schooolll!!! Wooooo! So many mixed feelings about it, it truly is bittersweet. I'm so happy that I'm done, but I'm so sad to leave everything behind. On the last day of school I didn't even cry, but I cried the day before. That was because it was my last choir class. Choir is the BEST memory I will ever have of high school. That class was so much fun!! And I love my teacher Mrs. Holt. I will also miss theatre and Mrs. DeWulf. Those classes have helped me and shaped me more than stupid math or science classes. I'm so thankful to have had them! Prom was also suuuupppperrr fun! I'm going to miss everyone!! College is going to be even better! I'm really excited to start my new life.

Some other news is that I just did a vintage photo shoot with the amazing Mioara Dragan! She was so funny and sweet!! Her assistant, Sarah, was also super cool! Krystyna was the other model in the shoot. I cannot wait to get the pictures!!

This weekend I'm going to be going to PITTSBURGH!!! WOOOOO!! I'm sooo exciteddd. I'm going for the casting of The Dark Knight Rises!!! Yep pretttyy awesome, I know! My agent rocks!! Of course I will write how amazing that goes!

Okay I'm done for now! .. Oh yea... btw I loveee teen wolf! I love Tyler Posey.. Now I'm done : )